AFRICA RELOCATION SERVICES (ARS) is a mobility management company which offers some integrated services which aim to facilitate the relocation of employees, companies and organizations (regional and international) in Africa and from Africa to international destinations. Our mission is to manage the mobility of our clients who are implementing strategically their activities in Africa and abroad. Our dedicated and personalized services are designed to assist our clients efficiently throughout their relocation process.
Expertise in mobility management in Africa
Thanks to our know-how and our large network of partners, we offer the best mobility management services in Africa according to your needs.
Customized Services
We put an emphasis on analyzing and taking into account the needs of our customers in order to fully satisfy them. For this purpose, we assign to each client a dedicated project manager who will be in charge of assessing the needs, proposing and managing customized services pertaining to the client’s needs.
• Enable our clients to be effective and efficient at work as soon as they arrive in/or leave Africa, by taking care of all administrative and logistical constraints related to their relocation.
• Prepare and facilitate a successful integration for their spouse and children.
• Save time and money thanks to our know-how and efficiency.
A.R.S (Abidjan)
109 Boulevard Giscard d’Estaing, contre allée Côte d’Ivoire Telecom, aile droite, 2ème et 3ème étages, 10 BP 991 Abidjan 10, Côte d’Ivoire. Tel : + 225 27 21 24 19 07